Hi , I'm Rizki Syaputra 😎
A Professional worker in the field of software development with more than 10 years of experience
I am a person who has a passion for software and technology development 🌐 Has a background as a mobile developer, trainer and programmer 💻 I really like technology and enjoy learning new technologies🛠️
About me
🔭 I’m currently running my own bussiness UDACODING as CEO and Founder
🌱 I’m currently being lecturer at Polytectnic State of Padang, teaching about Data Science, Microservices and Mobile Developement
👨💻 I have experience being Mobile Developer, Project Manager and Tech Lead
💬 Ask me about Flutter, Python, PHP, SWIFT, Kotlin and NestJs
📫 How to reach me syaputra@graduate.utm.my or udarizki2020@gmail.com
More about me :